НАЙ-ДОБРОТО СПУСКАНЕ СЪС СКИ TRAB ✔ Надеждност, гарантирана от 14-слойния контрол ✔ Поддържащ флекс за максимална стабилност ✔ Усилени кантове с памучни влакна за по-добра издръжливост ✔ Но...
Made in USA! 180 cm 1915g PRODUCT DETAILS: DPS LOTUS 124 ALCHEMIST 2.0 20/21 The DPS Lotus 124 is a ski that many have dubbed, “one of DPS best ever.” F...
Made in USA! While the legendary ski shape has remained, the arrival of Alchemist stokes the smoothness factor on this classic. The Wailer 112 legacy has dominated magazine tests and is known a...
Made in USA! Powder in the morning, crud in the afternoon, and carved groomed arcs down for apr s. The Yvette A112 combines the loose and early planing feel of a fully rockered ski with aggress...
Made in USA! Based on the award-winning Yvette 112RP2 platform, the Nina A99 exhibits similar versatility in a narrower package. The Nina A99 utilizes the Yvette’s 3-D PaddleTech Geometry...
Made in USA! The DPS Pagoda Piste 100 C2 Ski is the widest selection in the Pagoda Piste series. Does size matter? Well, it certainly helps with flotation for those deeper days in soft snow. Bu...