
Обувки за Ски Туринг и Freeride

Master Mono - Grivel

Master Mono - Grivel

A single rope belay device that can be also used as a rappel apparatus.
The V-grooves provide optimum control and fluidity during operations even in wet or icy conditions.
Cooling Technology: The inner holes allow an optimum heat dissipation and make it lightweight, they are also useful to easy remove mud, earth, snow and ice.
19 mm hole allow the locking sleeves of most carabiners to pass through
Accommodates ropes from 7.3 to 11 mm.

Осигур. и протриващи Модел / Фирма

Цена: 38 лв.

София, п.к. 1164, ул. "Арх. Йордан Миланов", 26 Б, в апартамент на 2-рия етаж
GSM: 0888 141 046

