
Обувки за Ски Туринг и Freeride

Odin NEO - Valandre

Odin NEO - Valandre

Fabric: Asahi KASEI Impact 66 Polyamide WR Rip-Stop / Asahi KASEI Polyester WR Rip-Stop

Circumference: (153/140/93cm)

Compressed Volume: 14 litres

Length (inside): S:170 cm; M:185cm; L 200cm

Price -> S = 1720; М=1830; L = 1920

Down Quality: Goose 850 +

Total Weight: 1836 g.
Extreme temperature: -52C

With over 30 years of experience producing and supplying down products, our experience says -30C (-22F) in the limit of comfort.

За експедиции Модел / Фирма

Цена: 1720-1920 лв.

София, п.к. 1164, ул. "Арх. Йордан Миланов", 26 Б, в апартамент на 2-рия етаж
GSM: 0888 141 046

